Versão: Português | English

Due to the increase in the atmospheric concentrations of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and the consequent global climate changes, not only the national governments members of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), but also the state and municipal governments, have made all and every effort in estimating the emissions of those gases aiming for helping society identify the local priorities and the adoption of more adequate measures in order to reduce such emissions. In that sense, the Government of Sao Paulo State, on November 9, 2009, published the Act N. 13,798, institutes the State Policy on Climate Change (PEMC), regulated by Decree N. 55,947 of June 24, 2010.

In the Article 6 of that Law (13,798/2009) are defined the guidelines for the elaboration, the  updating on regular basis and the publication of anthropogenic emissions inventories, described by sources and removals, by means of sinks, of the GHG not controlled by the Montreal Protocol, by using methods comparable both national and internationally. Mainly in the GHG Emissions Inventory of Sao Paulo State, by widening the legal framework, the emissions of the gases controlled by the Montreal Protocol were included, once they also contribute to the greenhouse effect increase. In the Article 7 of the same Law, is the definition of the State Communication, which includes the Emissions Inventory in its structure. This document deals with the 1st Direct and Indirect Greenhouse Gases Anthropogenic Emissions Inventory of Sao Paulo State, for the period from 1990 to 2008. It is the result of the consolidation of 26 Reference Sector Reports developed by excellence institutions and experts. Those reports were available to Public Reading in the website of CETESB for around sixteen months.

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