Version: Português | English

This publication presentes the estimates of net anthropogenic emissions of carbono dioxide, and the emissions and removals balance from Lan Use, Land-use Change, and Forestry Sector (LULUCF) in Sao Paulo State for the periods: 1994-2002, 2002-2005 and 2005-2008. This is one of the Reference Reports that, once reviewed and consolidated, resulted in the 1st Direct and Indirect Greenhouse Gases Anthropogenic Emissions Inventory of Sao Paulo State (CETESB, 2011).

This publication “Emissions from Land Use, Land-use Change, and Forestry Sector” is a product of the contract established in 2009, between the Foundation for Space Science, Technology and Applications (FUNCATE) and the Sao Paulo State Environment Agency (CETESB), with support from the National Institute on Space Research (INPE) and resources from the contract with the British Embassy, through the “Sao Paulo State Policy on Climate Change Support Project”. Several meetings were held involving researchers, specialists and institutions so this document would be possible.

Developed by institutions of excellence and experts, this report fulfills its role, following with clarity and transparency the methodological principles established by the Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-use Change, and Forestry (GPG/LULUCF) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2003).

In addition, it has been in Public Consultation on the website of CETESB for a period of six months, starting in November 2010.

Apoio: UK