Post publicado:09/05/2001 OLIVEIRA, R. F; ALVES, J. W. S. Mudanças climáticas globais no Estado de São Paulo. São Paulo : SMA, 201. 83 p. Download CompartilharCompartilhar Leia mais artigos Post anteriorLong-term effects of climate change on carbon budgets of forests in Europe: Green World Research Próximo postRegeneration in GAP Models: Priority issues for studying forest responses to climate change Você também pode gostar Predicting the distributional impacts of climate change on agriculture 09/05/2005 Why economic growth dynamics matter in assessing climate change damages: illustration on extreme events 09/10/2005 Long term scenarios and options for sustainable energy systems and for climate protection: A short overview 09/07/2005
Why economic growth dynamics matter in assessing climate change damages: illustration on extreme events 09/10/2005
Long term scenarios and options for sustainable energy systems and for climate protection: A short overview 09/07/2005