Post publicado:02/11/2004 HANSEN, J.; SATO, M. Greenhouse gas growth rates. PNAS, v. 101, n. 46, p. 16109–16114, Nov. 2004. Download CompartilharCompartilhar Leia mais artigos Post anteriorImpacto das mudanças climáticas no zoneamento agroclimático do café no Brasil Próximo postCurbing the U.S. carbon deficit Você também pode gostar Predicting the distributional impacts of climate change on agriculture 02/12/2005 Limited effectiveness of El Ninõs in causing droughts in NE Brazil and the prominent role of Atlantic parameters 02/03/2001 Impact of a climate change scenario on the Weser Estuary Region: scientific results and experiences with the interdisciplinary research process 02/12/2000
Limited effectiveness of El Ninõs in causing droughts in NE Brazil and the prominent role of Atlantic parameters 02/03/2001
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