Post publicado:09/11/2004 HANSEN, J.; SATO, M. Greenhouse gas growth rates. PNAS, v. 101, n. 46, p. 16109–16114, Nov. 2004. Download CompartilharCompartilhar Leia mais artigos Post anteriorImpacto das mudanças climáticas no zoneamento agroclimático do café no Brasil Próximo postHow much more global warming and sea level rise? Você também pode gostar A contribution to understanding the regional impacts of global change in South America 09/05/2007 Interactions of climate change with biological invasions and land use in the Hawaiian Islands: Modeling the fate of endemic birds using a geographic information system 09/10/2002 Predicting the effects of climate change on avian life-history traits 12/10/2002
Interactions of climate change with biological invasions and land use in the Hawaiian Islands: Modeling the fate of endemic birds using a geographic information system 09/10/2002