Post publicado:14/11/2004 KEITH, D.W. et al. The influence of large-scale wind power on global climate.PNAS, v.101, n.46, p. 16115–16120, Nov. 2004. Download CompartilharCompartilhar Ler mais artigos Post anteriorLevantamento dos recursos de energia solar no Brasil com o emprego de satélite geoestacionário– o Projeto SWERA Próximo postStochastic information in the assessment of climate change Você também pode gostar Perspectives on the vulnerability of the Swedish electricity distribution system: Extreme weather conditions and climate change 09/05/2005 Integrated models shows that atmospheric brown clouds and greenhouse gases have reduced rice harvests in India 14/05/2006 Twentieth century sea level: An enigma 23/05/2002
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