Curbing the U.S. carbon deficit
JACKSON, R.B.; SCHLESINGER, W.H. Curbing the U.S. carbon deficit. PNAS, v. 101, n. 45, p. 15827–15829, Nov. 2004. Download
JACKSON, R.B.; SCHLESINGER, W.H. Curbing the U.S. carbon deficit. PNAS, v. 101, n. 45, p. 15827–15829, Nov. 2004. Download
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HOLDREN, J.P. US Climate Policy Pos-Kyoto: Scientific underpinnings, policy history, and the path ahead. In: ASPEN INSTITUTE CONGRESSIONAL SEMINAR ON “THE CONVERGENCE OF U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT”, Rome,…
SCHNEIDER, S.H.; MASTRANDREA, M.D. Probalistic assessment of “dangerous” climate change and emissions pathways. PNAS, v. 102, n.44, p. 15728 –15735, Nov. 2005. Download
NISHI, Marcos Hiroshi etalli. Influência dos créditos de carbono na viabilidade financeira de três projetos florestais. In: Revista Árvore. Viçosa (MG): v. 29, n. 2, p. 263-270, mar/abr 2005. ISSN 0100-6762.…
KENEHAN, S.B. Climate change and international justice. A thesis presented for the Master of Arts Degree. University of Tennessee Libraries, Knoxville, Tennessee, 2005. Download
Desenvolvimento sustentável - Um conceito no limiar da utopia, 2005. Download
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VIOLA, E. Brazil in the context of global governance politics and climate change, 1989-2003. Ambiente & Sociedade, v.7, n.1, 2004. Download
LARSSON, E. Science and policy in the international framing of the climate change issue. Master of Science Thesis – Linköpings University, Norrköping, Sweden, 2004. Download